Tagged: mistakes

coyoe final 630x339


Your odd news for the day. Hunter shoots man in the abdominal region after mistaking him for a coyote. The news often has some bizarre stories. This story is will leave many scratching their heads. Of course, hunting accidents happen all the time, but don’t hear about one like this too often. A coyote hunter in New York has just been charged with second degree assault for what he says was an accidental shooting of another man while hunting coyotes.

outdoorhub photos black bear mistakes fake deer for the real deal 2015 08 12 14 40 22

Black Bear Mistakes Fake Deer for the Real Deal

Talk about disappointment. This black bear in North Brookfield, Massachusetts probably thought it hit the jackpot when it managed to surprise a buck in someone’s backyard. Instead of hauling off a week’s supply of venison, though, it merely got a mouthful of self-healing foam instead. The photos were taken by ERA Key Realty Services agent Darlene Eager during a listing appointment last Saturday