Are there Mountain Lions in Massachusetts?
There is no evidence of a reproducing Mountain Lion population in Massachusetts. If you’re still curious, read on to brush up on your Mountain Lion knowledge.
There is no evidence of a reproducing Mountain Lion population in Massachusetts. If you’re still curious, read on to brush up on your Mountain Lion knowledge.
There are several animals in Massachusetts that are nongame, endangered, threatened, and protected from hunting. While most are types of animals that are not usually considered game, it is good to know what they are, so you can actively avoid harming them. Many of the animals listed on the state fish and wildlife sites as endangered or threatened fall into categories such as insects, amphibians, reptiles, fish, and birds. However, a few of the animals on the list are species hunters...
BOSTON — High school sophomore Jed Aubertin took his dog for a walk down a dirt trail in late February, and a coyote attacked him.