Hunter Tries To Talk Black Bear Down From His Stand (Video)
A hunter was shocked when he discovered this massive, 250 pound black bear up in his perch.
Two of the best bass worm Rigs
Two of the best rigs i find work killer on large mouth are Traditional Texas-rigging normally means bumping a worm or craw off the bottom,...
Catch and Release Kill or Save Striped Bass?
in the 1970s, pollution, overfishing and habitat loss nearly annihilated the nation’s striped bass population. Now, scientists conducting studies in Maryland, North Carolina and Massachusetts...
Catch-and-release areas of Massachusetts
Catch-and-release areas There are 8 areas in the state that are designated as catch-and-release areas. When fishing in these areas, only artificial lures may be...
News Coyote listening sessions scheduled in Massachusetts
From Division of Fisheries and Wildlife –In response to concerns about coyote hunting contests, MassWildlife is holding a series of listening sessions throughout the state.
Tick-borne disease information for Massachusetts
Ticks are tiny bugs most likely found in shady, damp, brushy, wooded, or grassy areas (especially in tall grass), including your own backyard.