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  • mkmcst


Endangered Species is an important step toward welcoming the species back

news that the eastern cougar has gone extinct is capturing headlines today. That’s a bit misleading, as the subspecies was actually officially declared extinct in 2011, and...

mountain lion: Is the Northeast ready for predators?

Cougars everywhere. Everybody’s seeing them. Aliens. Bigfoot. Just the whole thing,” said Tom French, the assistant director of the state Division of Fisheries and Wildlife,...

The eastern puma is officially extinct

The US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) recently declared that the Eastern Puma is officially extinct. The announcement has caused a tragic stir among wildlife...

Salvage Permits Massachusetts dead deer on the road and the law

The number of deer/car collisions in Massachusetts is estimated to at between 2,000 and 3,000 a year. Of those, the driver or passenger claims 400...

World Record Striper Caught and Released in Virginia

The hardcore West Virginia angler now has a pending International Game Fish Association world record for a striped bass he caught and released off Cape...