The following species may be taken year round in massachusetts
The following species may be taken year round (except during shotgun deer season) by licensed hunters with no daily or seasonal bag limit:
Changes to harvest reporting during Massachusetts bear hunting season
Black bear harvest reporting Hunters are required to report their black bear harvest within 48 hours. Hunters are strongly encouraged to use MassFishHunt to report harvested bears online using a computer or smartphone. Due to COVID-19 public health measures, no check stations will operate during the fall 2020 black bear season, including all MassWildlife locations. Please click here for instructions on how to report your bear online.
spots around Buzzards Bay for awesome striper fishing
1. Westport River (Westport)The marshy corners of both branches of the Westport River provide great habitat for schoolies in early spring. Along rocks, pilings, and bridges, look for tautog running through the estuary this time of year. In May, larger stripers arrive as they chase herring up the river. Surfcast from scenic Cherry & Webb Beach, or cast a line from the Route 88 bridge or the Hixbridge Road bridge. If you have a boat, launch from the state boat ramp...
preventing a trail attack
Avoid hiking alone – Hiking with a buddy is an easy way to deter would-be assailants. Remember – strength in numbers.
BAITIt is unlawful to take baitfish for the purposeof sale from the inland waters of the Commonwealth. Individuals trapping fish for personal use as bait fish may use only one trap.BAITFISH may be taken by licensed anglersat any time for personal use by all lawfulmethods, including a rectangular net notexceeding 36 square feet of net area or by ahoop or circular net not exceeding 6 feet indiameter or with a fish trap with openingsnot exceeding one inch. Nets designed togill fish...
Some facts on black bears in Massachusetts
Are there bears in southeastern Massachusetts?Black bears in MassachusettsThough Massachusetts is the third most densely-populated state in the country, black bears have been increasing in numbers and distribution since the 1970s. The statewide population of bears is estimated to be over 4,500 animals and is growing and expanding eastward.