Avoiding Being Tracked in the Wilderness
First off is proper field craft. Humans tend to be a bit lazy, and once they hit the woods this laziness becomes potentially fatal. Light, noise, and trash discipline is the most basic preventive measure. Leaving food wrappers, water bottles, and cigarette butts lying around is basically asking for someone to track you down. Trash should be buried in a nondescript area.
The ultimate disguise for trail cameras
Use this method and take your time. Your costly trail camera can become invisible to the human eye. The longer you leave them out the better they merge into the environment. Credit to the sadly deleted RobotKitchen channel for the original method.
forecast temperature and whitetail
Seven Things to Know About Temperature and Deer Activity
FIRST MAKE SURE THE DEER IS DEAD FIELD DRESS IMMEDIATELY Field dress the deer immediately to ensure a rapid loss of body heat. Hang the animal head-up or lay it on a slope with the rump lower than shoulders.
coyote facts
After deer session and the weather is cold dont put your bow away just yet now is a perfect time to coyote hunt from your tree stand rid some of them pesky dogs that eat your fawns hear are some simple coyote facts
Whitetail deer have a language and communicate to each other