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Coyote Attacks Man After He Mistakes It for a Dog

A man in Ashburham, Massachusetts, sustained multiple bites after he mistook a coyote for a dog.

River Labreque, 22, said he’s used to seeing loose dogs in the area, so he assumed the coyote that showed up near his house was just a Siberian Husky-type dog.

Labreque was on his phone when the coyote approach. When he put his hand out, the coyote attacked him, biting him on the hand and through his shirt on his stomach. The coyote then latched on to his ankle before Labreque was able to get free. The canine then ran into the woods. Environmental police searched the area, but were unable to find it.

Labreque went to the hospital where he was treated for his injuries and administered a round of rabies shots. He’ll have to go through several more rounds to be fully protected.

“Be aware and be careful of animals you don’t know,” Labreque warns.

Author: mkmcst

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