Saltwater game fishing

Saltwater game fishing


spots around Buzzards Bay for awesome striper fishing

1. Westport River (Westport)The marshy corners of both branches of the Westport River provide great habitat for schoolies in early spring. Along rocks, pilings, and bridges, look for tautog running through the estuary this time of year. In May, larger stripers arrive as they chase herring up the river. Surfcast from scenic Cherry & Webb Beach, or cast a line from the Route 88 bridge or the Hixbridge Road bridge. If you have a boat, launch from the state boat ramp...

striped bass

Striped bass sheet

Striped bass are often called stripers, linesider or rockfish. They are silvery, shading to olive-green on the back and white on the belly, with seven or eight uninterrupted horizontal stripes on each side of the body. They can live in both freshwater and saltwater environments. Spawning begins in the spring and running water is necessary to keep eggs in motion until hatching. Striped bass don’t have eyelids so when the sun comes up, they will retreat to deeper water to avoid...