When Coyotes Attack (video)
as members of the Canidae family, coyotes share many features with close relatives like wolves, jackals, dogs and foxes. In fact, there has been a significant degree of hybridization throughout their evolutionary history. This is still present in the DNA of red and western wolves as well as eastern coyotes, the largest coyote species. These animals have lean bodies, thick fur and bushy tails. They also have yellow eyes and narrow, elongated snouts. Coyotes are about as large as a medium-sized...
deer crashed through the windshield of a school bus Tuesday morning in Dartmouth
DARTMOUTH (CBS) – Five students and their driver were hurt when a deer crashed through the windshield of a school bus Tuesday morning in Dartmouth. The bus driver is being called a hero for safely pulling the bus over after suffering a broken hand.
When to Hunt Whitetails In The Morning (video)
While hunting whitetails in the morning hours has produced 75% of my top 25 bucks, the amount of time that I actually hunt during the morning hours accounts for less than 25% of all my sits. Shooting a mature buck in the morning is probably your best bet, but there is certainly an appropriate time and place.