Animal knowledge

timber rattler.female bill byrne masswildlife

Statewide Status of the Timber Rattlesnake

The Timber Rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus) is a native species to all six New England states, having colonized from the south as far as the White Mountains and Lake Champlain during a warm period following the glacial retreat. In Massachusetts, the Timber Rattlesnake was formerly widespread and locally abundant in Essex, Middlesex, Worcester, Suffolk, Norfolk, Franklin, Hampshire, Hampden, and Berkshire Counties until the late-19th century.


deer herds in Massachusetts

 Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife Director of the Deer and Moose Project, and Dr. Robert Deblinger, Deputy Director of DFW, gave a presentation at the Lee Sportsmen’s Association, dealing with the deer herd in Massachusetts. This column will address what they had to say regarding the predation of the deer herd.