Massachusetts conservation


deer herds in Massachusetts

 Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife Director of the Deer and Moose Project, and Dr. Robert Deblinger, Deputy Director of DFW, gave a presentation at the Lee Sportsmen’s Association, dealing with the deer herd in Massachusetts. This column will address what they had to say regarding the predation of the deer herd.

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Big bucks not unusual in Massachusetts

While the Massachusetts state record-weight buck was a bruising 272 pounds field dressed and an estimated 350 pounds-plus live weight, that could fall by the wayside this season as our deer are just getting bigger and bigger. The Bay State has recorded the largest number of mature bucks 3½ years old and older this decade than any other state in the Northeast.


The Types of Wild Cats in Massachusetts

Only one species of wildcat lives in Massachusetts as of 2011. The bobcat (Lynx rufus) lives throughout the state and exerts little impact on human society. Bobcats have short, bobbed tails, pointed ears and long fur extending from their cheeks. Upon reaching maturity, these medium-size wildcats weigh between 11 and 20 pounds and extend 30 to 48 inches from the tip of the nose to the end of the tail.