Monthly Archive: March 2019

timber rattler.female bill byrne masswildlife

Statewide Status of the Timber Rattlesnake

The Timber Rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus) is a native species to all six New England states, having colonized from the south as far as the White Mountains and Lake Champlain during a warm period following the glacial retreat. In Massachusetts, the Timber Rattlesnake was formerly widespread and locally abundant in Essex, Middlesex, Worcester, Suffolk, Norfolk, Franklin, Hampshire, Hampden, and Berkshire Counties until the late-19th century.


The trails are beautifully maintained, and the park welcomes dog owners and equestrians. Miles Standish State Forest has many trails, one of particular beauty is the loop trail, called the East Head Reservoir Trail. It’s an almost completely flat 2.5 mile loop around one of the many ponds in the forest. It’s a great way to get acquainted with the forest.

10 Bow shooting Tips to Remember

1. Treestand TechniqueWhen people miss from a treestand, they often miss high. There are two reasons. First, the deer itself may “jump the string.” Almost all of them drop at least a little, some drop a lot. Second, some archers lower their bow arm instead of bending at the waist to create the downward shot angle. This also tends to produce high hits because it changes the relationship between the bow arm and the upper body and thus between the bow...

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Hiker Finds Odd ‘Elmo Tree’ in Massachusetts

From a orignal coast to coast post July 05, 2018-While exploring a state forest in Massachusetts, a hiker stumbled upon a rather bizarre scene: a tree covered in Elmo dolls. Julie Silvia was hiking with a friend in the Myles Standish State Forest over the weekend when they spotted the weird tree. “Some of them were just regular Elmos,” she told radio station Fun 107, “but some of them were the Tickle-Me-Elmo kind, and quite a bit of them still had...