Monthly Archive: November 2017

Hunting in Massachusetts: 6 Animals Designated Nongame, Endangered, Threatened and Protected Species

Hunting in Massachusetts: 6 Animals Designated Nongame, Endangered, Threatened and Protected Species

There are several animals in Massachusetts that are nongame, endangered, threatened, and protected from hunting. While most are types of animals that are not usually considered game, it is good to know what they are, so you can actively avoid harming them. Many of the animals listed on the state fish and wildlife sites as endangered or threatened fall into categories such as insects, amphibians, reptiles, fish, and birds. However, a few of the animals on the list are species hunters...

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Coyote with Mange – What is it?

What is Mange Sarcoptic mange is caused by tiny microscopic mites that live on the skin of the host animal.  These mites will bite and burrow into the soft tissue under the skin.  They will wreak havoc on the infected animal by causing itchiness that leads to hair loss, usually covering a large portion of the animal’s body and sometimes causing complete hair loss.  The constant scratching and burrows of the mite cause oozing crusty sores that usually become infected.  Once the hair...

A Basic Guide To Small Game and Predator Hunting

A Basic Guide To Small Game and Predator Hunting

Hunting is a popular past time for a lot of people, and this includes small game and predator hunting. There are different seasons that people hunt in which allows them to hunt certain types of game throughout the year. Small game can be found in the spring and fall which is usually birds like Turkeys, sometimes Squirrels, and other small game. Predator hunting usually includes hunting larger animals which can also take place in different times of the year such as...

Be The Hunter, Not The Hunted – Hunting Safety Tips Everyone Should Know

Be The Hunter, Not The Hunted – Hunting Safety Tips Everyone Should Know

Out of all of the sports participated in around the world, hunting is considered to be one of the most dangerous. Due to this, many safety precautions must be made to ensure your safety, as well as the safety of those around you. This cannot be emphasized enough, as your life and the lives of your companions must be protected when you are going hunting, whether it is coon hunting, deer hunting, moose hunting or simple fowl hunting. There are several...

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How to Hunt Coyotes at Night

In most States and Provinces throughout North America coyotes can be hunted year round. In many of the areas coyotes can be hunted both day and night as well. By learning how to hunt coyotes at night, a hunter can hunt coyotes 24/7, 365 days a year. Night hunting for coyote, where legal, can be a very exciting and an extremely effective way to keep their population at bay. Here we will discuss tips and tactics on how to hunt coyotes...